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GIMUN-Raising Global Giants | Diplomatic Convocation

Diplomatic Convocation

Diplomatic Convocation

Alongside the GIMUN 2018 Conference, a Diplomatic Convocation will be held in two Summits, the UNU Special SDGs Summit meant for Senior High School Students across the country; and the Taming Summit also meant for current and past leaders of Tertiary level Student Unions and Representative Councils, Parents and Faculty Advisors who will accompany their High Schools to the 2018 Conference, Invited Guests from the Ministry of Education and other educationalists. This gathering will take care of two main things;

  • A competition among Senior High School students to present ideas on how the SDGs could be achieved
  • A discussion among student leaders, educational institutions managers and parents on how a peaceful environment could be created in the various educational institutions across the country and beyond.

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